

Palmarosa Essential Oil
$ 18.3
  • (6 review)



Palmorosa Essential Oil

Botonical Name


Cymbopogon martini




Country of Origin



Color & Odor


Pale yellow liquid @22°C with Sweet geranium like odor



Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and oils

F.E.M.A. #



Specific Gravity


0.894 @ 72°F

Optical Rotation



Refractive Index


1.477 @ 72°F

Flash Point


194 °F

Extraction Method


Steam Distillation


·         Palmarosa essential oil contains the highest degree of therapeutic and health benefit. Palmarosa is botanically known as Cymbopogon martinii,  and the oil is extracted through the steam distillation process.  

·         This natural product is good against fever, eliminating depression, stress, and anxiety issues. It is also good to eradicate the feeling of anger, and nervousness. It’s also an excellent one to finish the mental fatigue.  

·         Besides all this, this natural essential oil is perfect for healing cuts and bruises, and an excellent one for acne breakouts.  

·         This natural product contains the digestive, and stimulant properties. Moreover, it’s good to cure the sores, skin cracks, and athlete’s feet.  

·         It’s mainly used in skincare products as it’s good for balancing the dry, oily, and other types of skin. 

·         Best for stress, anxiety, trauma, nervous exhaustion, and works as the supportive and balancing oil. 

·         It’s excellent for hormones and having great potential for hormonal imbalance. 


·         Used in pharmaceuticals industry having potential to inhibit and prevent infections. 

·         It’s excellent for digestion, fight depression, anxiety, and boosts respiratory system. 

·         It’s best for reducing the fever. 

·         Palmrosa essential oil is excellent for inflammation, digestive issues, and sore feet. 

·         Palmorosa natural essential oil is better for support mood, and emotional vulnerability.


Dilute before use; may cause skin irritation in some individuals, so a skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes. 



Blake Ruiz

Since last 10 years I am purchasing essential oils from floral essentials where they provide 100% Natural & Pure and genuine products at most competitive price . I always receive positive response from my customers whenever they use purposfully. Thanks Floral.

Rohana Ruiz

There’re so many options for essential oils but floral essential is the stunning one, no one can compete them in context of “Quality, Price and Services”. After recommendation by doctor, I am using essential oils to overcome my stress related problem. And their oils work better for me.

Shanaya Thelna

Finding 100% pure and natural product is really a tedious task, but they made everything easy. When I visited their manufacturing plant, I found they use traditional & high quality extraction process by using perfect quality of RAW MATERIAL. Nice Work

Aliza Bezz

I heard about them from one of my friends residing in Kanpur, he told me that they have largest selection of Certified Organic, 100% Pure essential oils. I never go anywhere for buying essential oils, I believe in their Quality & price.


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