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Essential Oil Manufacturers and Suppliers in India

September 21, 2020 by
essential oil manufacturers
essential oil manufacturers & suppliers

Essential Oil Manufacturers and Suppliers in India

In this day and age, natural products are being used for different purposes due to their exceptionally good medicinal properties. In this section, we will shed light on essential oil manufacturers in Kannauj & about the essential oils health benefits.

Since ancient times, people have been using natural products for balancing the mind, soul, and body. Natural essential oils have significant usage in treating different kinds of ailments and in perfumery as well as in the food and beverage industries. Most often, these natural products are used in aromatherapy as alternative medicine. Kannauj is worldwide popular for attar and essential oils, and among the essential oil suppliers in Kannauj, We are the foremost. Natural essential oils are good for increasing the energy levels & helpful for providing relief from migraine, headache, calm nerves, as well as helpful for treating the different kinds of skin conditions. 

All sorts of natural products, including organic essential oils, attars, absolute oils, and carriers oils, are being used in different industry verticals and popular among the people from the different parts of the world. It’s expected that this will touch an unbelievable mark in the next few years. Today, we have established ourselves as one of the leading manufacturers in Kannauj, and striving to deliver the highest quality of natural products. 

What are Natural Essential Oils

Natural essential oils contain the plant’s scent, essence, and characteristics, where these are extracted from the flowers, roots, shoots, leaves, and other parts of the plant. Different types of extraction processes are being used, such as steam distillation, cold-pressed, etc. Meanwhile, these also contain compounds that play a significant role in building their characteristics. 

Natural essential oils have a number of therapeutic benefits that can produce several health benefits. These contain a few properties, including – analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory properties. These properties make essential oils good for physical and mental health. Major end-use industries are using natural products, where cosmetics, food, and beverages, aromatherapy, and pharmaceuticals are popular ones. These are widely used in medicinal purposes, where they work as alternative medicine.

Health Benefits 

As we have discussed that natural essential oils have several outstanding therapeutic properties and are good in providing health benefits as well.

Reduce Stress & Mood Enhancement

The fragrance has the power to stimulate the limbic system and is helpful for triggering emotional responses. Whenever you inhale the essential oils, then you feel energized and hopeful. These natural oils are excellent for eradicating stress and anxiety level. And also best for treating mood disorders and sleep-related problems. A few essential oils are known for their calming, soothing, and pleasant fragrance that helps to eradicate negative emotions.

Best for Headache and Migraine

Natural essential oils are well-known for their calming properties and excellent for headache and migraine-related problems. In aromatherapy, these are used for reducing stress and alleviating tension headaches. A few essential oils such a peppermint, rosemary, chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus are used for treating the headache and migraine-related problems. Moreover, these natural oils have the potential to clear the sinuses, which further are good for relieving the tension.

Reducing the Inflammation

It’s found that natural essential oils are pretty much helpful in fighting against the inflammatory conditions. These are good for treating pain and swellings. It works better for sore muscles and effective in providing pain relief. These are good for relaxing muscle spasms and tension. Lavender, Eucalyptus, Marjoram oil, Helichrysum oil, etc. are the best essential oils for reducing inflammation.

Essential Oils for Skin

There are a number of natural oils which are known best for treating different types of skin problems such as for soothing dry skin, acne, dark circles, blemishes, reducing the signs of aging. Organic cold-pressed rosehip seed oil, lavender oil, frankincense essential oil, tea tree oil, chamomile oil, etc. for treating skin related problems. Nourishing properties, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties of these natural products make them effective to treat different kinds of skin issues, and suitable for diminishing bacteria on the skin surface.

Read our blog on:  Essential Oils for Dry Skin

Essential Oils for Hair

Natural & organic essential oils are advantageous for hair growth, improving hair thickness, and reducing hair loss. In addition, these are best for improving hair strength. These are also beneficial for dandruff and speed up hair growth. Bergamot essential oils, peppermint oil, lemongrass, grapefruit oil, etc. are best for treating different types of hair problems.

How to Use Natural Essential Oils

If you want to use ylang-ylang essential oil for hair growth, then you need to add ylang-ylang oil with 2 teaspoons of warm oil and just massage this into your scalp. Now just leave it for 15-30 minutes; after this, wash the same. Essential oils can also be used in different ways, including – topical apply (massage), diffuser, dry evaporation, steam, and spray. In the case of steam, you should add two-three drops of the natural oils into the steaming water. This will further help in vaporizing the oil. 

Now breathe deeply; Inhalation of this will provide better results for respiratory and sinus infections. In another mode, place essential oils in a diffuser where on supplying the heat, essential oil gets evaporated, which creates a soothing and pleasant ambiance everywhere.

Floral Essential Oils – Natural Essential Oil Suppliers in Kannauj 

Floral essential oils is globally known for the premium quality of natural products, including attars, essential oils, absolute oils, carrier oils, and other natural products. We have reckoned under the category of top 10 essential oils company in India; also, we are one of the most trusted essential oil manufacturers in Kannauj, UP. We provide you hundreds of natural products that are extracted from the different extraction techniques.

We have a team of highly talented professionals who always strive to perform quality checks and assurance to deliver the best quality of pure and natural products. If you are looking for ordering essential oils, attars, or any natural product, then just place your order. Buy natural organic products online at the most competitive price.

Essential Oils for Pregnancy

August 7, 2020 by
Essential Oils for Pregnancy
essential oil benefits

Essential Oils for Pregnancy

Women feel happy & joyful during Pregnancy, as this is one of the most exciting feelings in this world. However, utmost care is needed during Pregnancy, and these precautions are taken by the women as suggested by the doctors. Here in this section, we will discuss the essential oils during Pregnancy.

We understand that Pregnancy may sometimes become stressful & women can face some sort of problems. It would be better to use natural remedies if you are facing stress, nausea, morning sickness problems during Pregnancy. It’s worth noting that essential oils may be effective in dealing with these problems. 

There are hundreds of essential oils for different kinds of health issues, including respiratory problems, cough, cold, flu, scars, dandruff, digestive problems. These natural oils have healing and medicinal properties that make them effective. In case of stress and anxiety that occur due to the Pregnancy, these natural oils have a proven record. In the ancient era, Greek, Romans, and Egyptians were using these natural remedies for different ailments. These have regenerative, healing, relaxation, and aromatic benefits.   

What are Essential Oils

Essential oils are aromatic oils which are derived from its source plants and its parts. And these natural oils bear the outstanding medicinal properties and aroma. Some of the essential oils have a soothing and calming fragrance that has the potential to influence the brain’s limbic system, which further carries out the necessary functions. There are hundreds of natural essential oils, including – clary sage, lavender, bergamot, patchouli, petitgrain, sandalwood, etc.

If we talk about the therapeutic properties of the natural oils, we find that these include the following – antibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant, anti-neuralgic, antiscorbutic, antiviral, etc. The plant parts that could be used for the extraction of natural oils are roots, leaves, flowers, flowers, fruits, etc. The process can be used for extraction are steam distillation and cold-pressing. 

In the context of usage of essential oils, we can say there are several ways for this. The essential oils are inhaled, diffused, or applied topically. Whenever we use essential oils in these ways, the molecules of natural oils produce a good impact on the brain. Globally, essential oils are used for aromatherapy purposes. Carrier oils such as jojoba, coconut, olive oil, etc. can be used with the essential oils.

Essential Oils Safe for Pregnancy – A Brief Introduction

Every essential oil has certain properties and characteristics. A few essential oils are considered safe during Pregnancy. However, it’s recommended that you should take advice & consult from your doctor before using any of the essential oil. These would be helpful during Pregnancy. Let’s have a quick look at the best essential oils for Pregnancy.

Cardamom Essential Oil

In a study, it was revealed that this natural product contains anti-nausea capabilities. And is effective whenever used in a diffuser. The rich, spicy scent of this natural essential oil keeps you relaxed and calm. This essential oil could be the finest choice as the best essential oils during Pregnancy. 

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil is known as a versatile natural product that has different kinds of properties. All these properties make this natural essential oil perfect during the Pregnancy and after this. This natural essential oil promotes calming and relaxation. 

That also promotes good night sleep without any interruption. It can ease the stress and anxiety that happen during Pregnancy. Besides, all this frankincense is used in arthritis, oral health, asthma, and joint inflammation. It’s one of the best essential oils for Pregnancy.

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium essential oil is good for uplifting the mood and the best one for calming and relaxation. Geranium is one of the best essential oils during Pregnancy, especially for the second and third trimesters. In order to get the best effect, you should dilute the essential oil with an appropriate carrier oil before using the same. 

In addition, the geranium essential oil has been used for treating the different kinds of health conditions. And very effective for anxiety, depression, and infections. This natural product has outstanding therapeutic properties including antioxidant, and antiinflammatory, which make them good for skin related problems.

Ginger Essential Oil

This essential oil for Pregnancy is considered effective for morning sickness and nausea. It’s further good for elevating the mood and reducing anxiety as well as depression-related problems. 

It’s also used in aromatherapy. Furthermore, it is good for eliminating toxins, appetite, clears the respiratory tracts, etc. 

Petitgrain Essential Oil

It’s also another wonderful natural remedy with excellent properties such as good for promoting relaxation, calmness, and better night sleep. Which is, of course good during the Pregnancy.

This oil is obtained from the bitter orange tree, and for the long time, it has great potential for treating the various ailments. It’s the best for skincare and can be very effective for blemishes as well as for the oily skin. 

Patchouli Essential Oil

Among the list of the natural essential oils during Pregnancy, Patchouli oil could be the top choice for women. As this natural remedy is effective for mood uplifting and producing the calming and relaxing effects by stimulating the brain’s limbic system. In the list of the best essential oils for Pregnancy, patchouli oil holds a good position.

Above, we have discussed a little bit about the essential oils safe during Pregnancy. Now next, we will take a note of other essential oils that should be avoided during Pregnancy.

Tea Tree Oil During Pregnancy

Tea tree oil basically should be avoided; however, it could be used during the first trimester of Pregnancy. You should consult with your doctor while using the tea tree essential oil as this may cause uterine contractions and can produce a negative effect on the fetus. Tea tree oil during Pregnancy needs utmost caution.

Read our blog on: Tea Tree Essential Oil for Skin

Essential Oils To Avoid During Pregnancy

There are a number of natural essential oils that can produce negative effects during Pregnancy, and these should be avoided during Pregnancy. The list includes the following essential oils – basil. Wormwood, mugwort, tarragon, birch, tansy, hyssop, sage, basil, pennyroyal, aniseed, camphor. These essential oils to avoid during Pregnancy if you don’t want to take any risk.

Buy Pure and Natural Essential Oils for Pregnancy

We use natural raw material for extracting the essential oils through the traditional extraction process. A team of professionally expert chemists strives to produce an effective natural product. Our team takes care of quality control, R&D, and production. Since our inception, we have been manufacturing high-quality essential oils, attars, absolute oils, carrier oils, etc. We have expanded our business in different parts of the world, and exporting the natural products to the USA, Dubai, Asia, and the Middle East Region.

Presented By owner of Kush Aroma