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Does Essential Oils are helpful in Panic Attack?

October 5, 2023 by
Does Essential Oils are helpful in Panic Attack?
essential oil benefits, essential oils, skincare

Does Essential Oils are helpful in Panic Attack?

Anxiety and panic attacks are just two of the many health issues that can be naturally managed with essential oils. Physical symptoms and overwhelming fear are common during panic attacks, which can be crippling and overwhelming. While essential oils can’t take the place of expert advice, they might provide an additional strategy for promoting relaxation and lowering anxiety.

For panic attacks, some examples include lavender, frankincense, and peppermint essential oils. Apply these oils topically or inhale to promote calm and emotional wellbeing. To ensure their safe and appropriate use in conjunction with any prescribed treatments or therapies, it is essential oil to consult with a healthcare professional.

Although the effects of essential oils on relaxation and panic attack symptoms can differ from person to person, they may help. Many essential oils are used for their calming properties, including lavender, bergamot, chamomile, and frankincense.

These oils may help reduce anxiety and promote tranquilly when inhaled or applied topically. It’s crucial to remember, though, that essential oils shouldn’t be used in place of qualified medical guidance or care.

Essential oils for Panic Attacks

Now that we are aware that essential oils can help with panic attacks, which ones should we use? We will help you: 

Cannabis Seed Oil

Cannabis seed oil may help with the treatment of panic attacks due to its potential calming effects. It is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. This oil has shown promise in reducing the signs and symptoms of anxiety.

It is thought to interact with the endocannabinoid system of the body, which manages mood and stress reactions. Hemp seeds’ high levels of magnesium, amino acids, and B vitamins make them a natural stress reliever.

Peppermint Oil

Due to its calming and refreshing qualities, peppermint essential oil may help to reduce panic attacks. It can ease anxiety and encourage relaxation thanks to its cooling sensation and energising aroma.

Peppermint oil applied topically or inhaled topically may help to lessen panic symptoms. It’s possible that feeling physically better will also improve your mental health, and peppermint oil can help with nausea and pain.

Lavender Essential Oil

The essential oil of lavender has demonstrated potential in easing panic attack symptoms. Its soothing and calming effects can bring about calmness, relaxation, and a decrease in anxiety.

Apply lavender oil topically or inhale to help with panic attacks. Lavender can help in improving one’s mood and anxiety symptoms . Additionally, it can relieve headaches, soreness, and muscle tension.

Frankincense Essential Oil

The frankincense essential oil helps to treat panic attacks. It has calming and grounding qualities that can lessen anxiety and encourage emotional balance.

Frankincense oil can be used topically or inhaled to help calm the mind and reduce panic symptoms. Since it helps to clear the mind and treats anxiety, tension, and panic attacks, it is frequently used in spiritual and meditative practises.  

Ylang-Ylang essential oil

The essential oil of ylang-ylang prevents panic attacks. Its calming and soothing effects might help to encourage relaxation and lessen anxiety. Inhaling or applying ylang-ylang oil topically can help relieve anxiety symptoms.

Ylang-ylang has benefits beyond just reducing anxiety and stress. It can lessen feelings of rage, exhaustion, and hopelessness. Without being excessively sedative, it encourages relaxation and deeper breathing.


Including essential oils in order to prevent panic attacks and achieve rapid relaxation. But before using, it’s important to speak with a medical expert. Examine the selection of premium essential oils provided by us.

Presented By owner of Kush Aroma