Essential oils to add in steam water

October 16, 2023 by
Essential oils to add in steam water
essential oils, health care

To treat cold, cough, and other seasonal allergy symptoms, we typically receive a steam inhalation. Our lungs and airways become less congested thanks to the steam’s ability to loosen mucus. Your respiratory system may benefit even more from the steam due to the essential oils’ anti-inflammatory properties.

As a result, many medical professionals advise using essential oils when inhaling steam. When it comes to creating steam, essential oils are stronger and more efficient than other ingredients. The best essential oils for inhaling steam will be examined in this article. You can select the ideal essential oil for steam inhalation by being aware of the distinct advantages and qualities of each one of these essential oils.

Essential oils to add in steam water

Each essential oil has distinctive qualities and a distinct aroma. As a result, you need to be aware of the top essential oils for steam inhalation. The best steam inhalation essential oils, for instance, may not be the same as those recommended for the flu.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

The leaves of eucalyptus trees are used to make eucalyptus essential oil. This essential oil is among the best essential oils for steam inhalation due to its potent decongestant properties.

The sinuses and chest congestion are cleared up by eucalyptus essential oil. When you do this, symptoms like a cough, cold, and others get immediate relief. It can also be used to relieve headaches and muscle pain. The essential oil emits a potent yet energising aroma.

Read More Eucalyptus oil for Oral Hygine

Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano essential oil’s expectorant properties offer relief from colds and coughs. By releasing the mucous, it clears nasal blockages.

After breathing in the hot vapours of this essential oil, clearing the mucus from the nose is much simpler. You only need to add 3–5 drops of oregano essential oil to boiling water to reap these advantages.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Due to its capacity to relieve nasal congestion, peppermint essential oil is a preferred oil for steam inhalation. Additionally, this essential oil promotes a healthy respiratory system, and inhaling the vapours immediately eases headaches.

The steam from peppermint essential oil opens up airways when inhaled. Steam vapours improve the antiseptic and calming effects of this essential oil. As a result, those who have sinus problems frequently prefer it for inhaling steam.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Your mind will be calmed by the herbaceous aroma of tea tree essential oil. The decongestant qualities of this essential oil also help to clear congestion and relieve coughing.

It is effective against the flu and infections thanks to its bactericidal and antifungal properties. Healthy breathing is supported by the use of tea tree essential oil. It is the ideal essential oil for inhaling steam for all of these reasons.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary essential oil’s calming effects offer relief from stress and anxiety. By adding a few drops of this essential oil to a cup of hot water, you can benefit from its calming effects.

Inhaling this steam can also help with headaches and mental fatigue. Rosemary essential oil releases vapours that open nasal passages and increase oxygen flow. They also clean your nasal and chest passages of bacteria and other toxins.

Lavender Essential Oil

Popular essential oils for steam inhalation include lavender. This essential oil’s anti-inflammatory qualities help to relieve nasal congestion. Sinus infections can also be treated with the essential oil.

Your body and mind are calmed by the aroma of lavender essential oils. Inhaling the steam from these essential oils will help you sleep better at night. People who experience fatigue and lack of sleep can also benefit from using the essential oil for steam inhalation.

Clove Essential Oil

By opening up these passages, clove essential oil restores easy breathing in asthmatic patients. One of the best essential oils for steam inhalation is this one due to its antispasmodic and analgesic properties.

In general, respiratory disorders can be relieved by using clove essential oil. Shortness of breath and other respiratory problems are quickly relieved as phlegm and mucus are loosened. Asthma causes the respiratory passages to narrow.

Thyme Essential Oil

The antibacterial properties of thyme essential oil are present. Additionally clearing airways and clearing spasms, it has antispasmodic properties. As a result, essential oils are also used to treat the symptoms of a cold and a cough.

The fungicidal and bactericidal qualities of thyme essential oil support healthy lungs and the respiratory system. It eases respiratory problems without causing any irritation when added to boiling water.

Lemongrass Essential Oil

The use of lemongrass essential oil instantly relieves headaches. The essential oil’s calming qualities help to relieve the tension or stress that can lead to headaches. By opening up the nasal passages, this essential oil regulates healthy breathing as well.  

The energising aroma of Lemongrass essential oil can also provide relief from fatigue. It has a mood-uplifting ability and clears sore throats due to its antimicrobial properties. Inhaling the steam vapes of this essential oil also relieves cough and congestion.

Frankincense Essential Oil

A sedative effect of frankincense essential oil diffusion. The earthy aroma of this essential oil lifts depression, anxiety, and stress. Inhaling essential oil steam can also be used to treat bronchitis, allergies, and colds.  

The calming effects of frankincense essential oil are widely recognised. Additionally, this essential oil promotes wholesome breathing and offers sinus relief. In spiritual practises, the essential oil is also used to achieve heightened consciousness.  


The top ten essential oils for inhaling steam were those listed above. Use only pure, unadulterated essential oils because they have no negative side effects.

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